Bridging formal semantics and social semantics on the Web

Les Grandes Conférences du LIG - The LIG Keynote Speeches
Fabien Gandon
Jeudi 08 janvier 2015
Réalisation technique : Djamel Hadji | Tous droits réservés

The Web became a virtual place where persons and software interact in hybrid communities. These large scale interactions create many problems in particular the one of reconciling formal semantics of computer science (e.g. logics, ontologies, typing systems, etc.) on which the Web architecture is built, with soft semantics of people (e.g. posts, tags, status, etc.) on which the Web content is built. The Wimmics research lab studies methods, models and algorithms to bridge formal semantics and social semantics on the Web. We address this problem focusing on typed graphs formalisms to model and capture these different pieces of knowledge and hybrid operators to process them jointly. This talk will present some of our results and their applications in projects addressing different interaction scenarios on the Web.

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